Dear SPE Turkey Members and Colleaugues,
More informationDr. Fikri J. Kuchuk gave a lecture about ' Fractured Reservoir Modeling and Interpretation ' in Turkish Petroleum - Research Center Conference Hall on August 28, 2015 at 14:00.
More informationSPE Turkey Section Student Paper Contest - 2015 was held during IPETGAS 2015, 20th International Petroleum and Natural Gas Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, in Sheraton Ankara on May 29, 2015.
More informationDr. Reinhard Wehr gave a lecture about ' The Science of Directional Drilling in Unconventional Reservoirs - Key Enabling Technology for the Shale Gas & Oil Success on the Example of North American Reservoirs ' in TP - Main Building Z-11 Conference Hall on May 14, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.
More informationOsman Karaoğuz gave a lecture on "North Kuwait Miscible Gas Eor Study' on April 27, 2015 in Middle East Technical University Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department Conference Hall @ 11:30 a.m. You can find the event poster below and download the bio of the speaker here and the abstract here.
More information'Latif Vrana & Gürşat Kale : 'A Dialogue from Geothermal to Politics Through the Eyes of Engineers' dialog was performed on April 3, 2015 in TP Research Center Conference Hall @ 10:30 a.m.
More informationSPE Turkey Darts Tournament 2015 was organised as part of ''Young Professionals Activity'' with the attendance of 8 teams from wide range of companies and project groups such as Schlumberger, Smith Bits, Cougar DS, Viking Int., and TP.
More informationA non-technical seminar "Communication and Negotiation Skills of Inspiring World Leaders" by talented author Mr. Burak Kürkçü organized on Friday, March 6, 2015 at 14:30 in TP Research Center Conference Hall.
More informationAs part of Student Support Program, SPE Turkey Section Scholars’ Contest was held on Friday, 27 February. We would like to thank all our members and colleagues for their support to our scholars. You can also find the pictures from the event as well as the presentations made below.
More informationSPE Turkey Bowling Tournament 2015 was organised as part of ''Young Professionals Activity'' with the attendance of 9 teams from wide range of companies and project groups.
More informationMichael Zuber made a presentation titled " Tight Coalbed Methane A Giant Worldwide Resource: How Do We Produce It? (Challenges and Solutions) " on 22.01.2015 in Maden Tetkik ve Arama (MTA) Genel Müdürlüğü Ihsan Ruhi Berent Conference Hall. You can find the abstract, biography, presentation and the pictures from the event below.
More informationErdal Ozkan gave a speech titled " What is Unconventional in Unconventional Reservoirs? " on 20 January 2015 in TPAO Conference Hall. You can find the abstract, the bio of Dr. Erdal Özkan, the pictures from the conference and also the presentation below.
More informationAnnual Symposium Unconventional Resources 2014 by SPE Turkey was organized on December 4-5, 2014 in Middle East Technical University. We would like to thank all sponsors, proffessional and students attendants, session chairpersons, and all speakers. You can find the presentations, and pictures from the event below.
More informationİlker Yücel Öğrenmiş gave speech titled "Recent Developments in Well Control Applications & Nuts and Bolts of Well Control Operations" in TPAO Batman District Conference Hall and Batman University Conference Hall respectively on December 09, 2014 Tuesday.
More informationAs part of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series, Jalal Abedi gave a short lecture titled "Next Generation of Energy-Efficient, Low Water Usage Heavy Oil Recovery Methods" in Middle East Technical University Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department on November 10, 2014, Monday.
More informationAs part of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series, Klaus Potsch gave a speech titled "Understanding and Checking the Validity of PVT Reports" in Istanbul Technical University Petroleum and Natural Gas Department on September 15, 2014, Wednesday.
More informationAli Doğru gave speech titled "Advances in Upstream Petroleum Technology" in TPAO Research Center Conference Hall on September 11, 2014 Thursday.
More informationEvren Özbayoğlu gave a speech titled "Effect of Free Drill String Motion in Annulus on Drilling Hydraulics" in TPAO Research Center Conference Hall on August 11, 2014 Monday at 14:30.
More informationGökhan Coşkuner gave his speech about "Enhanced Oil Recovery as Follow Up to Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand" in TPAO Research Center Conference Hall on July 8, 2014 at 10:30 am.
More informationAs part of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series, Larry Eoff gave a speech about "Selective Water Reduction Systems: Where have we been and where are we going?" in TPAO Research Center Conference Hall on May 22, 2014 at 10:30.
More informationProf. Dr. Mustafa Onur gave a speech about "Enhanced Oil Recovery: Fundamentals, Recent Cutting Edge Research Topics and Challenges Ahead" in TPAO Batman Bölge Müdürlüğü on May 8, 2014.
More informationProf. Dr. Mustafa Onur gave a speech titled "Thoughts on Petroleum Engineering Education & Industry-University Collaboration" in METU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department Auditorium on March 25, 2014 at 10:30.
More informationProf. Dr. Ergün Kuru gave his speech titled "Hole Cleaning Performance: Water vs. Drag Reducing Fluids" in İTÜ PNGE Dept. Auditorium on April 25, 2014.
More informationAs part of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series, Mr. Faisal AlThawad gave a speech titled "Fracture Network: Reservoir's Friend or Foe?" in TPAO conference Room Z-11 on February 14, 2014 at 15:30. We would like to thank Mr. AlThawad and everyone for their participation.
More informationMr. Necdet Pamir gave a speech titled "Global Energy Outlook, Today & Future" in METU Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department Auditorium on January 8, 2014 at 10:30.
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