SPE Turkey Section Student Presentation Contest was held in June 22, 2012 in ITU-PNGE during ITU Petroleum and Natural Gas Seminar and Exhibition.
Totally 6 students competed in the contest.
Contestants and Their Topics are:
Edgar Chiquito, 'A Computer Model to Assess the Degree of Transmissibility across a Leaky Fault by Extending the Havlena and Odeh Method'
Hacer Kılıç, 'Interpretation of Balçova Geothermal Field Production Data"
Javid Shiriyev, 'Determination of Steam Quality During Steam Injection in a Well'
Mehmet Tolga Sipahi: 'Buhar Enjeksiyonu için Önsel Tasarım'
Oytun Örs:: 'An Experimental Investigation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Hydrate Interaction'
Rıdvan Arik: 'Jeotermal Sera Isıtma Tasarımı'